
Could someone please translate theses sentences for me only a few 10 points!?

by  |  earlier

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26. Servi boni a magistris hodie liberentur.

a. Let the good slaves be freed by their masters today.

b. Let the slaves be freed by their good masters today.

c. Let the good masters free their slaves today.

d. Let the masters free the good slaves today.

27. Pueri et puellae diligentia laborabunt ut pecuniam servent.

a. The boys and girls are working with much diligence so that money might be saved.

b. The boys and girls are working with much diligence so that they might save money.

c. The boys and girls were working with much diligence so that money might be saved.

d. The boys and girls will work with much diligence so that they might save money.

28. The small boys carry water so that they might not be small.

a. Pueri parvi aquam portent ne parvi sunt.

b. Pueri parvi aquam portant ne parvi sunt.

c. Pueri parvi aquam portent ne parvi essent.

d. Pueri parvi aquam portant ne parvi sint.

29. Aquam e flumine pulchro ad casam portent.

a. Let us carry water from the house to the beautiful river.

b. Let us carry water from the beautiful river to the house.

c. Let them carry water from the house to the beautiful river.

d. Let them carry water from the beautiful river to the house.

30. Let the happy girls come to the market place so that they might discuss life.

a. Puellae laetae ad forum veniunt ut vitam agant.

b. Puellae laetae ad forum veniant ut vitam agant.

c. Puellae laetae ad forum veniant ut vitam agunt.

d. Puellae laetae ad forum veniunt ut vitam agunt.

P.S for the last time this is NOT homework it's ONLY AUGUST school does not start until september I'm doing this to help my boyfriend so he'll do better when school starts!




  1. if its not hmwrk y do u want to know just look it up on  the internet and stop trying to cheat on w/e ur doin!  

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