
Could someone possibly give me advice on Hurricane Hannah?

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Hi, guys, listen. I feel rather foolish that I'm using points to beseech this, but the truth is I'm very worried about this hurricane (Hannah) that's heading towards my state of South Carolina. We're coastal, and I've never really been in a hurricane. I know too well of their potential because of Andrew, Hugo, and Katrina, and I don't want to go through all of that, honestly...I don't want to lose my house or life and have to steal from stores in order to survive...I don't know what to do. No one cares about the hurricane like me, so none of my friends and family are evacuating or anything. And If my mom doesn't evacuate then I can't go. I ask for advice because I'm really worried that I won't make it through the hurricane, when I talk to anyone about it, they just play it off as if dying is nothing with comments like "If it's your time, then you'll go". That doesn't help me at all, and just makes me feel terrified, please give me some advice...anything. I know there's nothing you guys can do against a hurricane...but advice, please.




  1. i think you should wait closer to the Hurricane Warning... these storms are acting weird this season and can't understand what's going on... You may leave and then it winding up going out to sea...

    Other than that google NOAA to get a checklist on a Hurricane Preparedness plan <-i live in Miami.

    Ike just turned into a cat 3

  2. We are still without power in Baton Rouge, and may be out for weeks. WEEKS! It's 90 degrees here. Be prepared. When it gets closer, everyone will panic. Gas is huge. Once electricity is down, many gas stations need power to run their pumps. On that same note, if you find gas or water at an open store, you will need cash. You may not think that you will need water, but the city water got contaminated here, and we were instructed to boil it first. If you have an electric stove- this is a problem. BBQ pits and charcoal will fly off the shelves. Get candles. A generator is a wonderful thing. It will keep your fridge on, and maybe a fan- that will keep you from melting at night. Good Luck. We feel your pain!

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