
Could someone recommend the most helpful book about adhd thankyou?

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Could someone recommend the most helpful book about adhd thankyou?




  1. I'm afraid I don't remember the author but the book was called "Ritalin Is Not The Answer." It had some very useful information and strategies.

  2. It really depends on which aspect of ADHD you are looking at.  

    for giftings, The gift of ADHD is a good one by Lara Honos Webb.

    I offer a lot of information at my website.

  3. well i have ADHD and the best book I think is 'AD/HD for dummies'

  4. there are books out there, but if you want to know a lot, ask the hospital for recomendings

  5. there's a brilliant book called 'only a mother could love him',its written by a man who has had A.D.H.D. all his life and it gives the best insight into the mind of someone with a.d.h.d.

  6. I will be honest.

    I have ADHD, and I can't sit still long enough to read a book about it.

    I just browse web sites, and find out info that way.

    However I end up looking at a bunch of other stuff.

    Ohh well for me



  7. Yes - there is an excellent book on this subject called...

    oooh - look!  A butterfly!!

  8. I found "Healing ADD" by Dr Daniel Amen to be a very good, easy to understand book on the subject.  It was recommended to me by a school psychologist friend of mine who has ADD herself.

  9. Among the psychologist community, Russell Barkley is THE AD/HD guru.  His book, "Taking Charge of AD/HD, the Complete Authoritative Guide for Parents" is a book I always recommend.

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