
Could someone tell me how to delete the whats in the yahoo search bar that i have searched for befor it full?

by  |  earlier

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like on yahoo home page there is a place to type in i have a lott here and i would like to delete them but i dont know how please help




  1. Clear your browsers history and cookies and turn auto-complete off. This is all doable from the tools tab in Explorer or Firefox.

  2. I'm no expert only had Internet for a year but i normally just left click on the search bar to bring up the list then place cursor over a entry (without clicking) then press delete. and repeat process for any unwanted searches, it can be long winded but it definitely works.

  3. **Removal of items on your search bar**

    On the right side of the bar before you get to the web search button click on the bar (you may have to click it a few times) will open a drop down box that will bring you at the front of items you searched for.

    Place your mouse pointer over the first item and you will see it highlight. Do not click the item just leave your mouse where it is and hit the delete button on your keyboard. The item will vanish and the next will take its place and become highlighted. Just keep hitting the delete button and watch them go away.

    This will work for any browser.

  4. have u been looking up naughty things & u dont want others who use the computer to find out???


  5. Go to your add remove programs in your control panel and just run down the list and remove the one you dont want.

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