
Could someone tell me if a double negative was used in this sentence?

by  |  earlier

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"It is not unlikely that the firm may now distribute all of its assets to its shareholders".

Out of curiosity, tell me--in your opinion---what this statement means to you? Thanks!




  1. Yes, it is a double negative because you are saying it is not likely that the firm may now distribute all of its assets.  Moreover, it is a double use of words of uncertainty because  the firm may now distribute all of its assets would

    be one statement to convey uncertainty, although with some

    subjective confidence.   If you wanted to reduce that confidence by using the word unlikely, you should say the firm is not likely  (in place of unlikely)  to distribute all of its assets to to its shareholders.    The addition of the not in front of the unlikely, combined with the word may amounts to triple speak and nearly renders the sentence into nonsense or political waffling style bull "manure"   .  

    The literal meaning  of the statement if analyzed is

    It is likely that the firm may distribute all of its assets to its

    shareholders.   However the word "may" introduces some

    uncertainty that contradicts the It is likely that ( the literal

    meaning of it is not unlikely that) .

    That contradiction is what obscures the meaning and allows me to label this entire statement as political waffling or

    bull.     I hope this helps

  2. Yes..."it is not unlikely" is a double negative. It means that it is actually likely. If it were not a double negative, the sentence would read..." It is unlikely that the firm may now distribute all of its assets to its shareholders"

    Or "It is likely that the firm may now distribute all of its assets its shareholders."

  3. Yup, definatly a double negative.

    So pretty much you could take out the 'not' and the 'un-' and read the sentence again and it would mean the same thing.

    That's funny though, because those kinds of sentanes always make me do a double take too!

  4. Yes, a double negative is used, and it is used correctly.  It means it is likely that the firm may now distribute all of its assets to its shareholders.

  5. yes it is a double negative.

    the sentence means that the firm will most likely distribute all of its assets to shareholders

  6. We expect to go out of business, and after paying all the bills, whatever is left after that will be divided up amoung the people who invested in our company.

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