
Could someone tell me the arrondisement/district of these 2 monuments?

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L'Arc de Triomphe

La Cathedrale de Notre Dame

And La Colonne de Juillet is in the center of what place?




  1. The Arc de Triomphe is in the 8th arrondisement. The Cathedrale de Notre Dame is in the 4th arrondisement.

    La Colonne de Jullet is at Place de la Bastille.

    Notre Dame and the Arc de Triomphe are not both near the Eiffel Tower as another person wrote. You can walk from Notre Dame to the Eiffel Tower, but it's a fairly long walk. I know because I've walked between all three.

  2. omg i can't reamember the name but they're like all by eachother by the eiffel tower

  3. The Arc de Triomphe is in the 8th and Notre Dame is  in the 4th.

    The July Column is in the Place de la Bastille

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