
Could someone tell me what happen in Ara Abrahamian Olympic wrestling event? ?

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I missed the olympic wrestling match and the ensuing furor?

What happen to make Mr. Ara Abrahamian so angry?




  1. he didn't get gold

  2. ah Ii'm wondering the same thing

    i just saw this article, haven't read it yet

    here's the link:

  3. Here you can see what happened. From 9 minutes in...

  4. He was called for "fleeing the mat" or stalling.  You usually get a warning or two, so he was angry.  The points taken away made him lose.

    He felt the judges were unfair.

  5. He got penalized for something that he felt he didn't do. As a result of the lost point he lost his chance to go the match for gold. I don't know enough of the rules to say if the ruling was warranted or not.

    It is ok for him to make a protest but it should have been done with dignity. The Olympics are about good sportsmanship. But it is embarrassing to see him, together with the rest of the Swedish wrestling team's leaders, throw tantrums. They have been bitching about it all day long in the Swedish media too.

  6. Well he didn't get gold and he was really expecting it so he stormed off.

  7. Summary: From what I saw on the video and reading discussions, Ara Abrahamian was in a position to win the second period, and after the period expired and the mat judge awarded him 1 point giving him the match, a side judge overruled the mat judge stating that Abrahamian fleed the mat (which awards his opponent 1 point, and due to his opponent scoring, removes the point he got for not being scored on in the last 30 seconds of the match.)

    Greco-Roman wrestling is a best of 3 rounds

    Match timeline:

    Italian wrestler wins' the first round due to the fact he was in the down position last and scored the last point in the round (it was a 1-1 tie both scoring points in the same method)  He was put in the advantage position either by coin toss, or receiving less warnings in the first minute of the match.

    In the second round, Abrahamian scored just before the 1 minute mark, meaning the italian would be down first at the 1 minute mark.  After 1:30 (and at one point the italian's body being half way off the mat while trying to defend) the Italian was awarded a point for not being scored on.  Ara just had to not be scored on for 30 seconds in order to get a point as well, giving him the round.  At the end of the second round, the mat judge appears to award Ara one point for not being scored on.

    A side judge then ruled that Ara flee'd the mat (he had one hand out of bounds which is allowable under the rules and much less out of bounds than his opponent had earlier in the round) and despite protests frome the swedish coach, the Italian was awarded the match.

    What should have happened was a third round to break the tie.

    Ara shook the hands of his fellow competitors on the medal stand (in my opinion showing them respect), and then to show his protest for what had occurred laid his medal in the middle of the mat and left the venue.

    To me this is not being disrespectful, this is protesting what occurred, and I see no issue with his actions.

    As a background in 2004 Ara won the silver, and some reports I am reading state that the referee who reffed his match was suspended for 2 years for taking bribes in the match.  I have not found a credible source documenting this.

  8. I was just reading this too so thats what I too am trying to figure out.

  9. Here is a summary in English about the discussion going on in Sweden. One accusation is that the judges refers to two different penalties.

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