
Could someone touch up an edited photo for me please!?

by  |  earlier

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Hey! I basically cut and pasted my friend and her favorite celebrity in a picture together for her birthhday and I was wondering iif you would be able to touch it up and make it look more natural please?!

The edges are rough and the hair doesnt match up right because I did it in paint! Please and thank you SOOOO much she's gonna LOVE it!!





  1. yeah i should be able to i have a mac with drawit program which is a very sophisticated program or free.

  2. Not bad for a Paint job!  Here's what I did in Photoshop:

    I adjusted the brightness/contrast of David's face to more match your friend's, and tried to adjust the light angle a little.  Not perfect, but it's better.  Then I used the color replacement tool to match the girl's hair in David's photo to your friend's hair color.  Then with the clone stamp and healing brush i fixed up the seams and matched the background in the top left corner to David's background.

    Hope that works for you!

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