
Could someone with experience Rate my pkmon ruby team..?

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I just got my 4rth badge so take it easy:

Combusken-Lvl 33

Dragonaire- Lvl 32

Wartortle- Lvl 31

Magnemite/Pikachu/Electrike?? (open to sugestions here)

Trapinch- Lvl 30

I plan on gettin groudon to make my 6th but other than that i jus need help with the electric. i don really want to swap out any of the firs three.. keep in mind i no longer hav access to tradin so what ever sugestions toward pokemon hav to come from ruby




  1. combuskin good covers for wartortle who covers for pikachu who covers trapinch who cover for dragonair whit a fight typ move so its good but ice might get you

  2. Pretty good, but make sure that you evolve dragonaire. combusken, and trapinch. and wartortle..... You could use 1 psychic or dark type, gardevoir works, or try aggron,


    good team for early stages

    Let me rephrase everything

    1. Evolve combusken to blazeken with good moves

    2.draonaire evolve it to dragonite and teach all elemental moves ( surf,flamethrower,thunderbolt, and outrage or ice beam  

    3.wartortle evolve it and teach surf,rapid spin, ice beam, and a filler

    4. I recommend using raichu instead of pikachu, pretty okayish pokemon

    5. evolve it to dragonfly with ground moves and dragon moves, with fire attack

    6. add a psychic or ghost type. dusknoir or ralts works

    evolve them

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