
Could st. pierre be able to beat anderson silva?

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and please look past your favoritism




  1. Oh, GSP would beat the **** out of Silva!!!! Anderson Silva is the most one dimensional fighter around. His game plan is, punch, kick, knee to the face, AND THAT IS IT! GSP is a TRUE all around fighter. Silva is a flash-in-the-pan. He is one of those fighters where he is winning and everyone is loving him. Then when he loses, which will be very soon, people will forget about him. But people are going to argue this fact. Because most MMA fans, and newbies who pick the guy who is the best right now. Then overnight choose someone else.

    Silva is doomed, because he is boring and doesn't have a true all around game. He has submitted a few guys, with the same few moves! And using the same, most basic of basic BJJ moves to boot!

  2. the truth of the matter is nobody knws. dan henderson had a double under hook body lock on the spider in the second round and still couldn't take him down, and hendo wrestled in the olympic and I don't see gsp's stand up being on the same level as silva's. but gsp is so freakin athletic and would even make a decent sized middle wieght so I have no idea. but i really think this goes to the spider, on the other hand i am not a big fan of gsp, for some reason I just don't realy like him

  3. Yeah he is the best fighter and very smart but if there is anyone I think that can do it that would be GSP.  He is very smart and he proves that you may get him once but you bet your *** he will get you the second time.  I wouldn't put money on GSP but I wouldn't be shocked if he won.  They are the exact same fighters just diffrent weight.

  4. If the fight was in Montreal: Yes, but anywhere else with AS not getting drugged or slipped a mickey there is no way in H-E-double hockey sticks that GSP beats AS outside Montreal.

  5. gsp is the best

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