
Could the Anti-Christ be a woman?

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Serious question. Could the Anti-Christ be a woman? Where does it specifically say it must be a man? Sarah Palin is quite attractive and a smooth talker.




  1. not a good combination! like sky and earth! but good to laugh, thanks

  2. Daniel 9:27 says the antichrist is a man:

    He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' In the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing of the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.

  3. The anti-Christ is not going be a woman because; there is and never will be an anti-Christ. Nor is there a God, and the Bible is not true either.

  4. The Anti-Christ is Ba rack Obama he has come back.

  5. I doubt the so-called Anti-Christ is a human. I believe it's the...Achoo!...'scuse me....Ah-Ah-CHOO!....sowwy but I'm sneething...gotta go...

  6. You have quite an imagination, I give you that!

  7. the word "Christ" is not of a being but of an influence. As is then "anti-Christ". Think of the two terms as adjectives rather than nouns. Since, then, these influences are practiced with either the sharing of Love or the projection of fear, respectively, either can be practiced by anyone, at anytime.

    which do you choose?

  8. The anti-christ is not a women nor is George W. Bush. Though I don't like Bush. The anti-christ is supposed to be from the line of Dan. Dan was one of the sons of Isriel. Other than that I don't know. Sara Palin is not the anti- christ. The anti -christ is supposed to be a foreigner from the mid-east. Plus the anti- christ when he arrives is not going to have much resistence from most of the world. I don't think he is going to be a politician because politicians always have enemies.

  9. Dom W Why the troll question? As of yesterday you never even heard of her, Yet now all of a sudden she is the Anti-Christ?

    Come off the Trollisium!

    Besides everyone knows that HRC are the initials of the female anti-christ!

  10. Only some very ignorant person would think that...

    women have always been suppressed throughout the human history one way or another.

    I don't believe in the Christian religious (as well as any proclaimed religion) and therefore I don't believe in the anti-Christ.

    Why don't you stop worrying about that and start thinking of ways to help the one in need or do something useful with your time?

  11. Only for a few days every month...

  12. No, read your Bible.

  13. loool

  14. No

    George W Bush is the antichrist

  15. She fits the description.  Perhaps she, Bush, I mean McCain, and Dobson are the Troika of Evil?

  16. The Bible often refers to the beast antichrist as him/he, so I would say, no.  

  17. her beauty is the boring kind. she is beautiful but not attractive ESPECIALLY when she talks.  

  18. All the Obamites must be feeling mighty loooow.

    What a coup!

    Best regards

  19. Satan is male; he made his proclamation of what he intends to do; he plans on taking God's own throne in Jerusalem.  But Christ will return and destroy him.  

  20. Hello,

    Not very likely. The Bible consistenly refers to him as a man. It says HIS name is the 666, it says HE is the man of sin in 2 thessalonians.

    So basically, it is most likely he will be male. The way I look at it is this: Jesus was a man, but filled with the spirit of God (he was God with us, and God's son).

    The antichrist will be a man, but filled with the spirit of satan (he will be satan with us, and the devil's son).

    Great question, and I find the whole antichrist thing interesting as well.

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