
Could the Dems wait on any action against Rove, et al.?

by  |  earlier

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I mean those in congress must know anything they do now, or even September, will just be cause for a pardon by Bush. So could they wait until January and a new Dem Pres before they indict? Would Bush still have pardon power then?




  1. First they would have to wait until February. Second there is no guarantee that Obama will be the next President. Third this would just be seen as a purely political move and would cloud the proceedings on that basis. I should also note that the Congress cannot indict Rove on anything, the most they do is hold him in contempt of Congress for refusing to properly appear after being subpoenaed.

  2. If Bush has given Rove protection of Executive Privilige, that privilige will carry over to any new administration.

    The Contempt business is the Dems way of trying to get back at Rove for making them look foolish so often.

    Nothing will come of it.

  3. Yes , do it then , if Bush hasn't already taken care of it .

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