
Could the Egyptians have just copied from the great pyramid ?

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There are a number of major differences between it and others. All of the others are considerably smaller.

All the others contain hieroglyphs.

The only reference to Khufu - was found in dubious circumstances - hidden in one chamber. It even spelt his name wrong!

The radio-carbon dating puts the top older than the bottom - unless they built it from the top down(unlikely) something else must be happening.




  1. So they got charcoal from older trees. No big deal.

  2. How about this possibility?

    Maybe pyramid construction evolved from the earlier step forms? Maybe the material (clays?) that is carbon dated is older because the deeper you dig the older it gets? Sediment that is dug up 20 feet below the surface, must be older than the top. That lower layer has got to be put on the top, so the carbon dating will be older. Logical?

    Try Occum's Razor. When there is more than one reason with equal evidence, go with the simpler reason.

  3. hmmm good thinking... Now just come up with the answer of exactly What is happening and then i will really be interested.

  4. great minds think alike

  5. Chainlig has the right idea. Carbon dating is from when the rock / stone /what ever it is called was created. You can not carbon date from when the rock was cut into a block.

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