
Could the FBI really come to ur house?????

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i just wanted to know




  1. Significant proof. Is what the FBI really wants.

    Ok if i say,

    Ima go to the president and shoot him with a 12 gauge shot gun rite in the head when nobody looks.

    Then ya they arnt gonna belive that but if i say on a website where lots of internet crimes happen and say,

    I have a blueprint of the exact location of where president bush will be next month and before he goes on his trip to (W/e) me and a couple of friends will attempt to kidnapped and possibly assasin the president.

    For blueprint download here - fjewiofoew

    Need more people to help.

    Then yes there going to take that seriously.

  2. A threat against the President (or one of the candidates) is a crime and will be punished. They just arrested a guy who said he would do something to Obama, and he also had a lot of guns.

    Other things on the internet won't usually get the FBI knocking on your door, unless they have to do with child pornography or lewd activities with minors. Otherwise, there are things on the internet that could flag you as a possible terrorist, in which case they won't immediately arrest you but they will start keeping track of your activities.

  3. I suppose they could but they haven't yet.  This is odd to me because I act in such a self destructive manner, and because of the nature and content of things I've written here and in blogs, and the fact that I'm sleeping right around the time when law enforcement would show up to someones door.

  4. Absolutely possible, yes.

  5. they're already here......

  6. absolutely.  threats against the president are a violation of federal law.

  7. They'd have a lot to do, as there are so many silly threats on the net. The FBI will act if they believe a threat should be taken seriously. When that happens, they often overact unfortunately.

  8. Each computer has a 'fingerprint' on the net that will allow investigators to determine the exact location of the connection.

    If you make a threat against the president or the candidates, you will be found by the Secret Service or other federal agencies.

    Not a smart thing to do.

  9. The short answer is, yes they can. It depends on what you've done, or what they have reason to believe you've done.

  10. In that case, you won't be hearing from the FBI. You will be hearing from the U.S. Secret Service. Well, more than hearing, unless you count when they say, "You have the right to..."

    (And saying, "Man, it was just a joke." won't work. They have absolutely no sense of humor about such things. Neither will the U.S. Attorney nor the federal judge.)  

  11. Threatning the president is a federal offense. it can be conspiriscy to commit murder..

    and the  FBI comes for many reasons...Counter terrorism, cyber crimes, public corruption, white collar crimes (fraud identity theft money laundering), organized crimes.. counter intellegince, civil rights THEERS tonz...

  12. yes they can and they wıll.....

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