
Could the UK economy be revived and how?

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I was reading a 'Have Your Say' debate on the BBC


How do you think the economy could be helped if at all. Personally I think that Labour (or brown at least) needs to go, I don't think the situation could get much worse. With rising oil prices ect. it seems overly stupid that Brown's giving Palestine £30m.




  1. Why are they fcuking giving any money to anybody at all? Im sick of hearing how we give money to other country when they will never pay us back.That money should be used to buy us all ferraris and nice big houses like these fcuking footballers.Our country has enough money to set up all of us for life but instead they spend it on **** that nobody is interested in.

  2. We need to move away from Globalisation the European Union and our addiction to fossil fuel and start becoming a self reliant economy again. Produce are own energy from Nuclear Power and renewable sources, manufacture and buy British goods and rely on our own inventiveness and entrepreneurial spirit. Cut all Foreign aid immediately and bring our troops home from illegal wars. Stop all immigration and giving handouts to everyone in the world that wants one. A friendly Isolation similar to Switzerland would work.

  3. ya get labour out

  4. Yeah labour is the whole problem.

    When conservatives were in power, they made over 40% of gross GDP in britain DEBT -> Money to be owned to other countries.

    Labour atleast has made amendments to the collosal hole previous government constitutionsies have made in this country.

  5. Things can get worse... but if more of alternative sources of energy are used more oftenly, and are effective, then of course the economy won't have to rely on the costs of oil. Of course, they're giving them money to expand their economy, and can be interpreted as an investment...

  6. YES. Its simple, cut the duty on fuel....It will work out cheaper loosing out on fuel duty now,  because otherwise the unemployment benefits will escalate out of all proportions. . Costing us all in the long term.

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