
Could the ancient "gods" have been aliens?

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This is an 8 minute video about the history of ancient astronauts etc....and the carvings of them people left.




  1. I think so. Aliens obviously weren't gods, but the ancient people seemed to believe they were. .

  2. It sounds right to me ever since I first read the theory from the Erich Von Daiken(I think thats how his name is spelled).

  3. good find!. It annoys me that all these signs from our ancestors is proof that these are the aliens that are still visiting today. why is it covered up by governments and religions? i heard that these aliens could of given humans the knowledge to create the technologies we have today.

  4. That reminds me of an old Star Trek episode (the original series... okay I just totally revealed my geekiness... but I don't go to Star Trek conventions, honest!) where Kirk, Spock and McCoy go down to this planet where the aliens turn out to be the ancient Greek gods we're familiar with.

    Anyhow, back to the topic. I suppose it is possible, I guess. But is it likely? Is it a needed explanation?  I don't think so. The human species seems to have an unlimited capacity to create gods they completely believe in. We're also much more capable than what we tend to give the ancient peoples credit for. There's no reason to think that whoever made that video was qualified to be interpreting ancient artwork, and I can certainly think of alternative interpretations that are just as valid or invalid as his (and I'm not an expert there either).

    So in summary, it's possible in the sense that you can't prove it's not, but it's not very probable.

  5. No, they couldn't have been. This absurd idea has been refuted by scientists many times. Any planets that may have intelligent life are much too far away for these life forms to reach our planet. No spaceship can travel at the speed of light or anywhere near it. At such a speed, its inertia is infinite and it is squashed flat, so spaceships can't travel fast enough to come here.

  6. It is possible. Egyptians had pictures of strange gods with fairly large eyes. Ancient empires had deformed their newborns to worship their odd gods.

  7. The correlations in that video have been made for decades, and are interesting, but we will never know for sure if this correlation is true until we actually make contact with an alien race.

    "Could" they have been? Yes.

  8. Good find!

    I like the fact that all our world culture believes in "helpers, gods or angels from the sky - and most have saught to record this in their art and history.

    I too believe that Angels have been depicted with wings - which is how most people would react if you said that these people flew from the sky. But it seems an unlikely form of evolution to have wings AND arms.

    I also believe that our history on earth is much older than we think it is. The Egyptians talk of the "First Time" as if we had evolved greatly - only to suffer an extinction event. This also happened in the tale of Noah - where a few were saved in a boat.

    Could it be that these angels / gods we see are actually of our past civalisation, that just stayed in orbit while the catastrophies ruined the planet - then returned to regenerate it?

    We are only now building space stations, and may repeat the process if an event like a meteor strike were to destroy our world. What would the decendants of the survivors think of our coming to teach knowledge to them on ships from the sky ?

  9. no, they were not aliens. they were people from the inside of our hollow earth.

  10. To ask what the ancient gods could have been you have to know first that the people back then were very ignorant. Aliens with advanced technology could've been considered gods at that point in time, with nothing else to explain the wonderful things they could do with thier technology, or the strange appearance they had. Of course the ancient gods could've been human as well, perhaps one man considered to be very strong and looking that way as well leans on a boulder. That boulder is cracked and perched in a fashion that it was ready to fall apart. When he leans on it, it does so, and witnesses state that he can crush rocks with his bare hands. News passed along were mostly by word of mouth, therefore subject to being retold innaccurately or made up as a "fable" to simply explain a moral or idea. This sounds far more plausible, but then again the pyramids lining up with the star constellations and other strange coincidences may suggest otherwise. It is not proven one way or another, so until there's proof of aliens, or gods, or other supernatural things other than speculation or farfetched "evidence" that doesn't lead to a real conclusion, your guess is as good as mine.

  11. yes i think that is right

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