
Could the collapse of the Labour party herald UKIP being her majestys official opposition and Labour fading?

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away after the next election?

Like the labour party took over the liberals early this century from being a new party only a decade or two before




  1. They can't be be more dishonest or incompetent than Gordon and his cronies, so why not.

  2. Is this the same UKIP that currently holds one seat in parliament, the two big established parties are hard to dislodge no matter how unpopular, look at the conservatives in 1997 they were in the same situation as Labour are now and they've bounced back.

  3. More likely the Liberals will replace them.  UKIP are too different politically from Labour to realistically take much of their powerbase.

  4. I should certainly hope not. Right wing or very right wing is no set up for a stable country.

  5. Your joking, right?

  6. I've looked at their policies and they're good.

  7. I don't know UKIP but I think the Lib-Dems have a very good chance of becoming second or joint second biggest party in England.

  8. Oh my... I thought delusions such as yours were all in the nuthouse at Carstairs.

    You've already put the reason it will never happen while you were answering Croxx. It'll happen when there's a shift in mass consciousness. So, not optimistic, are you?

    By the way, changing the voting system in Scotland didn't get the likes of the BNP any seats, and I note UKIP didn't even bother turning up. Labour and the Conservatives could change the voting system tomorrow. You might get a couple of seats by proportional representation. You would no more win power than you would under the current system.

  9. Point taken but it will only happen once the UK has proportional representation - so the electorate can vote for whom they want rather than who they don't.

    Edit- two party (1st past the post) democracy is an illusion of a representative democracy - agreed, I will not give up on getting a representative democracy for the British Isles.

    Black Heath is my shrine.

    So I can vote for what I want (and others to) rather than what I don't - struggle is positive, I'm not going to give up!

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