
Could the country run off of counterfeit salaries?

by Guest33980  |  earlier

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There is no reason why we couldn't if the government can come up with $585 Billion dollars for a ficticious war we can never win. Since they print all the moeny they want. Why not socialize health care? Why not pay everyone a livable wage so they don't have to work three or four jobs to make ends meet? Our moeny isn't backed by anything so why shouldn't everyone be rich? If we could do what we loved and do jobs as just hobbies wouldn't we all be happier for it? If we have to run off of pure capitalism alone we would be capitalizing the consumer into oblivion and the whole country will be poor and impovrished like it is now, but people are too brain washed not to see it.

If we have to reliey on stuff and cheep stuff to drive the economy does it make sense to live like that? Making pennies for junk we'll eventually not have the resources to buy because we do not have enough jobs to pay for cheep stuff and basic necessesities too? Why shouldn't people already be able to prosper and be independant, free to persue what they love and not slaves to jobs that don't cover basic needs or even the gas to get them to and from work? What makes sense if you had basic salaries and then extra salaries for those willing to take the nasty jobs I'm sure we could all live comfortably. So if the country could flip the bill for all these idiot wars and foriegn aid when the countries hate us. Couldn't we be able to pay ourselves to live. Gosh we don't even need to tax the people if the government just makes the moeny and you would cut down crime if you cut down on poverty. So would'nt counterfiet salaries just make sense? Pay us what we need to live and let us do what we love for work if we want just a little more? Also people could stay home more and we wouldn't be so dependant on gas if we didn't need to comute all the time. We would all be proserous and be a stroger nation for it persuing everything we love when we don't have to be slaves anymore to a system that really does not work. We could all live well and be happier for it. So do you think counterfiet salaries are a good idea? Star this if you think it is a good idea.




  1. Think about it for a minute:  Wealth is not about money, it's about the ability to buy stuff - goods and services.  Printing more money won't create any more stuff, and so no one will be better off.

  2. We definitely seem to try... and inflation explodes under the new-economics, created by Regan, continued by Bush, Clinton and Bush. A real economy has to have a Manufacturing base. You can't just move money from here to there and consider that really producing anything.

  3. You obviously don't know anything about economics. If you print more, the value of the dollar world wide goes DOWN so it would be pointless because in the end we would end up paying more!

  4. Our entire money system is based on counterfeit money as no money has any backing anymore. The link below will show you how money works. It is a long video but well worth the time to watch.

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