
Could the devil control our country by placing people into powerful positions and telling them what to do?

by  |  earlier

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this question is asked by Dean! but it is overshadowed by the first question on shizzophrenia. they are 2 different questions so i thought id post this one.




  1. Um...have you noticed George Bush lately? Either he's Satan or our missing link.

    But seriously, prove Satan exists and then ask again.  

  2. Yes its possible. If you are a weak person than the devil can make you do evil things.

  3. Yes but the things that get done are still a result of human decision.  Satan cannot force anyone to do anything.  He doesn't have that much power.

  4. I think the devil is Fake. Actually I think h**l is fake. I think most things in the Bible are fake

    and to answer your question. It's natural that one who gains power becomes at least a little corrupt. There's no way around it.

  5. God sets up the leaders and God takes them down.  And yes God can set an evil man over us.

  6. could he?  He does and has since the fall!

  7. lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    yes of course!

    the devil did everything.

    its not the public's fault for electing those leaders.

    the devil caused 9/11 too!!!!!!!!

    AND he made paris hilton's parents conceive her in a microwave factory!!!

  8. Well in the bible satan tried to tempt Jesus after he had fasted for 40 days with all the kingdoms of the world. And satan is the ruler of this system of things.  

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