
Could the first person that one meets in the morning be for good or bad luck?

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I have a friend that told me she can "open" the 2 side chakras of surrounding her people and also "connect" to them her bad chances if she is loosing money.She checked her self-taught way to get rid of bad chances also by doing this even from morre big distance to people that are not good with her - she says she uses Quantum knowledge in Indian yoga magik

So one day she encountered at the early morning one of local idiots that she suspected having used for her some simpleminded magik and she "connected" to him her "bad chance" for the whole coming day. This day she won very good money and did all she planed with success. Could this be a practice explained somewhere?




  1. This sounds like nothing more than delusional self-deception.  None of the claims she made as you present them have a basis in reality.  This means your friend may have only a tenuous relationship with the real world.

    It also sounds like you friend is trying to sell you something.

  2. yes the first person you meet in morning does affect your day ..

    cos if u have good feelings for him/her you may be happy to see them that makes u feel good and feeling good surely brings good things to you like good luck.

  3. Dismissing the nonsense about chakras and quantum Indian magic, if the first person you meet in the day puts you in a good mood, it will be a better day for you.

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