
Could the government be controlling hurricanes with weather machines?

by Guest65647  |  earlier

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Hitler built a weather machine during WW2, so we know that it's possible. Do you think that it's possible that the government may have targeted minorities in New Orleans with the weather machine to cut back on population? We already know that the government uses tactics for population control such as AIDS and cigarettes. And a large amount of people that lived in New Orleans were living on government funding, so it would be a prime location to target for population control.




  1. Would love more info on these government tactics that you speak of (regarding AIDS, ciggs, etc) ....the government could be up to no good, as per usual...

  2. Yes Einstein you really smoked out what is going on !   If  there is still a question why we still need affirmitive action .  You just answered it .  

  3. Yes.  Hitler was a brilliant man, having found Atlantis underwater during WW2.  It's a shame they killed him before he could release the omega weapon.  Using the Atlantian's technology, he built a weather machine in hopes to strike against the jews and become and ultimate power.  The americans siezed his weather machine technology in a vie for power during WW2. Little did americans know, we didn't fight the war against Hitler for the jews, but instead to gain his ingenious span of knowledge on the Atlantian's technology.  Hitler had burned the documents as to the whereabout of Atlantis before the government had gotten to him, leaving the location of the underwater paradise a mystery.  Today, Atlantis technology can be found in many of our modern-day wonders, such as computer, George Foreman Grills, and Shamwows.  But indeed yes, the american government is a cruel mistress, and will destroy anything in its path that would hinder its development as a world super power.  Even negroes in New Orleans.   Nobody likes Zatarains anyways.

  4. Einstein, why didn't Hitler use that machine to control the severe weather in Stalingrad, which led to Germany's downfall?

    Gustav avoided hitting New Orleans directly. Did the machine mess up?

    Now put down the malt liquor and go to sleep.  

  5. Don't you think it's the other way around. God, in his Almighty wisdon, freed these black people from the evil racist city of New Orleans. Louisiana is the home of the Klan and the government and the governor are controlled by them. those people that left three years ago are better off now. Go back to the Ninth Ward; you must be sick in your head. In 1910, they built this pump and pumped water out of this area. Of course this area that should be underwater and had been underwater until 1910 was populated by black people. when Gustav came those people are now glad that they were forced to leave and glad that they  are not going back. Their lives and the lives of their families have a better future than in new Orleans.

    The levee system's foundation was built by Andrew Jackson in 1814. the City shouldn't be rebuilt because this is going to happen again. Oh and by the way, most of the people who left have been helped by good white people. Not the government.

  6. Maybe, one of the side effects of these large wind farms that are starting to be built in the midwest is said that thunderstorms and such are being broken up by these enormous windmills.  Kind of a stretch I think but people are actually talking about that here.  I work on the mississippi river and watching the erratic river levels from spring floods to our current drought let me assure you mother nature pwns our government on a daily basis.

  7. Yes, my pet dragon was killed during one of those hurricanes. It was an f7, i think

  8. No, its all one big conspiracy  

  9. I don't see why people read so much into things. Why can't people just leave it as an act of God. If you don't believe in God..ok...nature. Not everything is a conspiracy!

  10. I would say yes, this is a ploy to eradicate certain groups of people.

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