
Could the hockey section reach a shortage of questions until the season starts?

by  |  earlier

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I am REALLY in the mood to go on another Q rampage right now, but, sadly, I can't think of a single question that I haven't done already! Answers-block, perhaps?





  1. Questions will come eventually, so will the hockey season. Unfortunately I will be missing the first month of the season because I will be going to India. Originally we were going to go October 10th and I was happy because I would at least see the season opener but now we are going on the 9th, so no season opener for me=(

  2. No DON'T!!!!

    Puck the drop already.....I screwed that up didn't I?

  3. I hope not. I just asked a few questions to keep us entertained for a bit

  4. You're not alone, pal. I have that exact same feeling.

  5. Sadley yes, but we will have one of those fun filled questions day everyonce in a while. That sounded g*y, didn't it.

    Yes It sucks, but we will have the "Who will win the Stanley Cup?'' back in a 7 weeks and that is even worse

  6. well, i agree with your name!cannot wait for stamkos to play! ask who am i questions!

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