
Could the negative energy coming from the people (who love us) affect our life?

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My mother has lived a very miserable and passive life because of her negative way of thinking about the problems (I think she has adopted this habit from childhood). Although she is such a faithful, generous and lovely one, I suppose the negative energy coming from her worries about our future, is affecting me and my siblings lives and preventing us from achieving our dreams (even though I always try to take a positive attitude in my life).

I don`t think that I am morally dependent on her and I have been living abroad since 2.5 years ago and to be honest, I even rarely think of her. But everybody knows she is so dependent on her children and always thinks about them.

While we talk on the phone (once a week), even though I always try to seem happy and assure her about my life and she tries to hide her worries, I know that she always feels so worried about my future. How could I prevent this negative energy affecting my life?




  1. I own a business that puts me in contact with a large number of people everyday. Of course some of those people are unhappy with their lives and do their best to make others unhappy so that they won't feel different and even more unhappy. I am also living with a person that was raised to believe that the worst will probably happen if anything happens.

    In the past twelve months I have spent 11 days in the hospital and let me go home because I was 'terminal'. I am still alive 13 months later. I broke my arm after being run off the road on my motorcycle, my partner has had two major surgeries and my business is just getting by in this economy.

    I keep myself positive and happy in two ways. I try and meditate everyday in order to regenerate my own believes and attitudes,(which are positive), and I set and work on specific tasks which are decided by me to help me reach my goals.

    If you believe in yourself, your goals, and spend your efforts and time working on those two things - how can you be negative ?

    If that fails then just take some time and admire all of the wonder of the world around you.

  2. Oh yes, I do believe that people who are negative love company. So, in many cases, negative people try to bring others down to their level.  

    Once you are in a place of being positive, negative people stick out, and you do not want to be around them.  Unfortunately, sometimes the negative people are our family members, and we cannot get away from them.

    For me, anytime I sense I am around negative energy, or people, I say, "I am not going to let ____  steal my thunder", and my thunder is my happiness.  I do not let others words or actions penetrate my soul.  

    Thanks for reading!

  3. Success is different for everyone.  Do you know what your mother was born to achieve?  No, therefore even if she may have judged you in the past, this does not give you authority to judge her.  

    I too, am negative and passive from birth and after many decades of learning about myself I can say that I am 100% sure that I have always gotten what I focused on and there has never been even one exception.

    Since I now know this, I cannot keep worrying for very long.  If you keep worrying about your mother`s worrying, where do you think that will get you in the end?  Stress and its symptoms.  How can you send positive influence to her?  Make being positive, living positively your goal in life for now.   Enjoy all the positive memories you hold of her and forget the rest.  Cheers!  Oh, and thank you for sharing.

  4. its hard have you ever noticed when other people are laughing even if u dont know why u end up smiling or giggling and if people around u are mad u can become kind of bitter. its going to be harder to block out ur own moms energy she created u after all. i hate to tell u this but talking to her constantly will not help u get over this it just brings u closer to her and the closer u are the more u will feel the need to relate to her and care for her and all of that so really the only answer is to get away for a while i kno u said u've been living abroad but u've still been talking to her u need time to figure out ur life and how u want to live it without any outside influences for a while im sure its not what u want to hear or do but at the moment its the only thing i can think of that could help

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