
Could the police be involved with this problem? major problem!?

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i live with my grandma and my dad. my dad is an ex- drug addict. he abuses us mentally, physically and verbally all the time! i am a 17 year old girl. we have gotten in many fist fights and i have had black eyes and other things. i have been scared to come home and it effects every part of the way i live (for both me and my grandma) well he is getting married soon and he will be moving out in a couple months. i really want to talk to a psychatrist, but i dont want my dad to get arrested. to you think that if i tell my psychatrist this, then that person will get the police involved? they might go behind my back for my safety? will they just listen to me and give me advice or will they get the police?




  1. yes they have to tell somebody if your in danger of hurting yourself or somebody else or if your being abused im pretty sure, but im not positive about the abuse, but i know that when i spilled to my 8th grade counselor at school she filed a 51A against my dad which is some sort of abuse thing, good luck hun i feel like something should be done, you'll feel better once you get it out and he wont be able to hurt you anymore

  2. shrinks and a confidently with their patients. so you should  be fine but if they think it is bad enough they might tell.

  3. no. he wont tell since your not in danger anymore. if you still are then yeah, he might try to help you by getting your dad arrested. they think thats right and think it'll help you mentaly. sometimes it does. but if you dont want him to, i think you should wait it out, till your dad cant abuse you. then you can talk about how he USED to abuse you and the shrink cant do anything about that except make you feel better =]

  4. They are required to report any abuse!!!!

    It would still be in your best interest to talk to one. Maybe don't tell them all of it but enough that it helps you. Regardless, as a parent there isn't anything in this world my kids could do that would deserve any of that. The same goes for you. Hold your head up and don't listen to it. The worst thing is for a parent to do that and it go from generation to generation, where you do it to your kids without realizing it.

    It may do him some good to get in trouble but that's not for me to pass judgement on.

  5. If you describe it to a psychiatrist as past abuse, no, they won't notify anyone unless you want them to. They can only breach the confidentiality agreement if there is imminent danger, or a threat of imminent danger. I do think it would be best to tell the psychiatrist that it is ongoing though, because your safety is compromised every day your father abuses you. No one deserves to be mentally, verbally, and physically abused. He wouldn't be thrown in jail if he were to be reported though. If he still has legal custody of you, his legal custody would be revoked, and you could request a restraining order.

    I know it's hard to do anything that might incriminate a parent, but it sounds like for your safety, and your grandmother's safety, you should let the psychiatrist know that it is ongoing. I know you said he's moving out in a couple of months, but a lot can happen in the period of time. Just think about what I've said, and I hope everything works out. Email me, and let me know how everything goes. (Email is same as my Answer screen name.)

  6. Psychiatrist are under a rule of sacredness with a patient only if it does not involve danger to themselves or others, or criminal activity.

    So, yes, in your case it is criminal and it will, as it should be, reported.

  7. sorry kid, but they are required under law to report abuse. you have to look at it this way, if he is physically and mentally abusing you and your grandma now. he'll be doing it to his future wife and if there a other kids envolved they will get it as well. if you truely love your dad, you need to get him help. before someone gets hurt or killed.

    your move!

  8. it should be confidentian and idt they can release any info unless you ask them too

  9. Sounds like he should go to jail for your own good. He seems to still be a drug addict by thw way he abuses you.

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