
Could the superstars of today become as successful as they are if they played the 80's brand of basketball?

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Yes you can name names, players of today (2000s) who can succeed if they play the 80's brand of basketball, and why do you think so? Best answer comes from the answer with the best explanation.




  1. All of them could play successfully.

    I forgot, Kwame Brown would be an exemption.

    I mean, he will never be a successful player even if you put him in the James Naismith first basketball game.

  2. i think so. players will always adapt to the situation. good example are the foreign players coming from different leagues with different rules and different culture. plus present players grew up not only seeing and ' copying '  but also studying the players of the 80s, so thats an advantage. in most everything, cars, pc, doctors, soldiers, etc, people readily accept that the latest is much better. in basketball, thats not easy to say, but claiming that past superstars are better is just as easily plain opinion.  

  3. I do think most of Superstars from today's game can be very good ..

    I have Shaq as most dominate Center

    i have Kobe as most dominate Shooting Guard

    I have Duncan as most dominate Power-Forward in 80's

    Reason why i have Shaq and Tim Duncan as 2 of most 3 dominate player because ... w/o 3 second rule ( i believe ) and the physical plays allowed ... they can be very dominate in 80's

    Reason why Kobe as most dominate perimeter player because ... w/o Zone defense ( the only defense that can slow him down ) it will make much easier for him to go to the basket and dunk on whoever is in the paint... as you know that he is a great shooter so he can shoot if he needs to ... and with 80's faster paste basketball he can do very well

    And they can get play physical if you know how they play .. ( i think Tim Duncan is the least physical of those 3 )

    But i have Shaq as The Most Dominate  

    I believe those 3 can be more successful than today's game..but i have mistaken before so yea

    I don't think any player that doesn't likes to play physical play will be successful in 80's tho

    ( note that i haven't brought up youngsters like Lebron , Wade , CP3 etc )

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