
Could the universe be infinite?

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Someone said the universe was infinite and then I heard 10 outcries of "No its not!". So I got to thinking... why couldn't it?

We can only see so far and at the edges of what we can see are all newborn galaxies. So, the universe had a beginning. This is not the edge of the universe as in the future the light from the galaxies beyond that will begin to reach us as they form some billion years ago.

The universe is also expanding according to redshift. This has caused many people to believe the universe is finite. They think "How can infinity get bigger?". I have not talked to any experts on the Big Bang theory so the topic is still open in my mind despite these claims making sense.

The Big Bang theory says the universe started with infinite density. Well what if an infinite universe had infinite density and from there it lost its infinite density. I find it easier to think of it as not the infinite universe getting bigger but the matter within it getting smaller (inaccurate I know).




  1. there is no proven answer to your question because all of the answers are just theories, or some sort of prediction

  2. Olbers' paradox is a simple argument against an infinite universe.

  3. it is as big as it has to be - outside is nothing - meaning no space.  Physical space is relaying information through strings.  If strings are calm their is no frequency of information which would include dimensions.

  4. Do you hear, what Einstein said, the light bend due to the gravity of the stars and galaxies, but no one think the light will also affected by a microscopic quantity, if the vacuum is perfectly absence of matter then there is no chance of bending the light, but the vacuum contains the matter itself, then the energy form the light will affected by the vacuum to gain the energy, so this why the dark energy formed when the whole vacuum absorb the complete light, but our surrounding vacuum is just alter the path of the light in very small value, near to 0 but not zero, as the vacuum is large and its deviation is large because of the large number of matter, so this is the actual red shift, but they were thinking the far away galaxies are moving away from us very fast, so the universe is expanding and it is infinite.

    you consider the escape velocity of the black hole, it does not even pass the light to go out of it, due to its force, like this so many black holes and so many galaxies are there in universe, if you put the mass of the universe and the radius of the universe as a finite quantity then you will get the escape velocity is very large it may even more than 100000 times the speed of light, as our scientists saying that our galaxies are moving with a speed nearly of 552 km/s, but the escape velocity is more than the light, where these matter try to go out of the universe, is this possible for them, where will the expand? big bang says the big ball explode, I will accept that, but at that time all the galaxies are share the equal force, then all must go with the same speed, if they differ, they differ in small amount. I think our universe is having boundary like our sun solar system as our galaxies, but no one will accepting this, just they are in the infinite quantity.

    Think yourself.

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