
Could the world ever stop turning? What would happen?

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Could the world ever stop turning? What would happen?




  1. the world is slowly reducing its turning velocity. Maybe the moon will collide with the earth?

  2. the earth could only stop spinning if somthing got in its way... like a huge meteor or somthing, in which case we would all die anyway

  3. The world spinning doesn't create gravity, the fact that bodies attract each other is what create gravity. Therefore with the earth the size it is, the amount of gravity is 9.81. The moon being smaller creates less gravity. Even though the earth stopped spinning it would still have gravity.

    What would happen is that one side would be in perpetual darkness whilst one would be in daylight, or actually as it still rotates around the sun, then you'd have 6 months dark and six months light.

    You would have major climate shifts and lots more ice and stuff.

    lots of animals die etc. General horrible stuff like that

  4. the world could never stop turning

    besides even if it did humans would survive and we'd eventually adapt to half the year being dark

    now when the poles reverse if it takes more than just a few seconds then we've got the problem of solar wind breaking our magnetic field

    sorry sidetracked

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