
Could thease warm-water fishies mix with my Goldfish ???

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I have a 1 Blackmoor , 4small-Fantails , 1 Ryukin .

Could thease fish mix with my goldfish with a heater or no heater?

Blackline Mosquitofish

Cuban Limia

Sailfin Molly

Sphenops Molly


Southern Platy




  1. I wish, but nope. The temp. difference would help kill & or stress them to the point of sickness, as well as the problem of nitrate levels. Goldfish produce twice as much waste as other fish, & even with constant cleaning, your tropicals can't tolerate the levels. (Plus goldfish have this habit of trying to eat anything that might possibly fit in their face -_-)

  2. Actually,Goldfish produce something when they go to the restroom,that kills other fish. You shouldnt ever keep goldfish with other types of fish. I have my goldfish in my horse traugh and they are surviving very well because they are with their own kind. But please trust me and dont put goldfish with any of your other fish,they will die if you do.

  3. I have successfully kept fancy guppies with slower moving goldfish (like Bubble eyes). Goldfish are omnivores though, and will eat guppies if they can catch them. Also, I occasionally have issues with guppies trying to eat the slime coat on slower goldfish. This causes stress to the goldfish and could lead to infection.

    Avoid putting Plecos (suckerfish) with goldfish...they are a type of catfish and have spines on their fins. Inevitably, goldfish will bump into them and get speared. I've never had a fish die from it, but it does leave a wound.

    The only fish I have successfully kept with goldfish long term are Bettas. They seem to get along with Bettas just fine. I have a 29 gallon tank with several female bettas and three bubble eyes and they completely ignore each other.

  4. The rule in general is that you don't mix tropicals with coldwaters. Also I hope you have a 80 gallon or more tank for all your goldfish. I would just get another tank if you want tropicals.

  5. No, because of the temperature differnce. Also some of the fish you have mentioned are Brackish, which means slighty salty water....

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