
Could there be War on US Soil?

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Is it possible? If so, how do you see it developing? Would it be a civil war, some kind of internal terrorist takeover of a city? Let me know your thoughts.




  1. We cannot be invaded by a foreign power at this time. We have oceans between us and the only countries who have a large enough Navy to transport an invasion force to America (Russia and China). However, the US Navy is the strongest in the world by a lot, so any invasion force would be sunk by the awesome power of the US Navy before they got close enough to launch aircraft at our shores. Terrorists could not take over a city, as there just aren't enough of them to secure such a large area against organized (military and police) and unorganized (citizins with guns and a grudge) resistance. The only option left is a civil war, but that is unlikely. The only way I see that happening is if there are enough hispanic migrents into the southwest states that they become the majority, and take over the land to return to mexico... which will most likely never happen.

    In the future, the only way there will ever be fighting on American soil is if China or Russia build up a large enough navy and transport a huge invasion force across the ocean, while being attacked by the US Navy, for an amphibious landing against a country that is completly hostile to them, and in which many citizins own guns and other weapons, which has the strongest military in the world.

    You do the math.

  2. Impossible were isolated by two oceans in convention military terms with our huge navy it is next to impossible for an invasion force to reanch us along with all our allies we wuld win...

  3. No, we got too much fight in us to let anyone take over our land.  

  4. Yes , could be from marshall law or a gun take away by the feds. A depresion,mite start it .  

  5. Any of those scenarios are possible, but I think the Earth would be wiped out by an asteroid before it'd happen

  6. i don't see a ground invasion happening.  (other than the current Mexican invasion).  what other country could put 12million pairs of boots on the ground without nary a bullet being fired.

    anyway, I do believe that a terrorist attack on a major city or food source is a good possibility.  Or a civil war scenario could play out with the right ignition.  I have a bit of fear over what will happen when/if Obama gets elected.  there are a lot of people, both black & white, that would benefit from his assassination.  it could be the catalyst that would provoke a series of riots that would be very hard to extinguish, and may snowball into civil war and cessation of states.

  7. In modern times there has already been war on American soil.........The Iranians invaded American soil ( US Embassy)......eight of our other embassies were attacked...... the WTC was attacked twice..... the USS Cole was attacked.....

    Terrorist do not "take over'...... their role is NOT occupation.... they disrupt and destabilize..... create insecurity..... we have been "at war" since 1979.....just most of America has been in denial.....

    Most people think of war in terms of WW II..... but this war is NOT about taking over America......this war is about DESTROYING America....  


  8. Well anything is possible, but that is a very minute possibility. I believe there would be a nuclear war then they would invade us, but only russia could attempt that. as for the whole getting tover here on ship yea right. we would sink them before they got on the ship. USA's only real enemy is terrorists, because they think in honor of allah they gotta kill all of us. they could never invade, but will always be a pain in our ***. I beleive they may try in blow up a major city or food source, but they would not be able to invade. Now if we dont hurry up and invade iran we could be in some stuff cause they want israel dead n we got their backs like a chiropract. So long as we keep fighting on their soil we will be ok, but if they come over here. i am from the south and i dont know about the north but down here we got plenty of guns and people who hate terrorists. i dont care what color you are or what you say. everyone would band together to fight against anyone who tried to take this country. No matter how liberal people can get i can promise you if it means this country getting invaded they will pick up a gun and fight. THis is the greatest country on earth GOD BLESS AMERICA USMC HOORAH

  9. No. It's not possible.

  10. for the last twenty years or so foreign troopers have been stationed on U.S. soil.

    you will see within the next decade U>N> troops fighting Americans, you noticed i did not say U.S.citizens. two different entities in law!

  11. definately terrorism. As soon as Bush leaves - they will strike again!

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