
Could there be a competition among the Banks and Financial institutions to see who can lose the most money.

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Peoples investments and pensions are disappearing like snow off a ditch yet these self claimed financial "whizz Kids" are nowhere to be found to explain where the money has gone. Different if you want to invest,they are coming out of the woodwork.




  1. Yeah but who would listen to a Death Watch Beetle? Stick you money under the mattress.

  2. Northern Rock have just been drawn against the Société Générale in a 1st round European tie.

    The first leg is at the Bourse de Paris, with the return leg at The London Stock Exchange.

    If losses are equal after each days trading then there will be extra time at the Bank Of England.

    Umpires Nick Leeson and Jerome Kerviel.

  3. 1. the finanshal wiz kids R all very smart bi the wae we normally thank av it.  Guvt finans hav many Phd's, top men R faemus.

    2. private guru's mostly hav advansed degrees.

    A fyu independent "experts" seed this bubbel & meltdown kummin & yelled bout it.  Nobody listen.

    3. Banks R out tu get a buk yesterdae.  Will du NE-thang that akkountants kan make look like a profit in latest report.

    4. Nun av em R akkountabel.  Baddest thang that kan happen tu em is luze job & kollekt 150 milyun $ "penshun".

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