
Could there be an alliance or organization between humans and other beings in the distant future?

by  |  earlier

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I'm asking this question because a couple months ago i played this video game called, Mass Effect. for those of you that have played it then you know exactly what I'm talking about, but if you've never played it, here's a quick summary. in that game it centers around conflicts around the universe and at that point in the future there is an organization of humans and other extraterrestrial beings of all shapes and sizes. i mean i know this is just a video game and science fiction but, in the distant future, could there ever be such a thing like this?




  1. There is nothing keeping something like this from happening.

  2. absolutely, humans are the most easy to get along wioth, selfless giving, serving peopleon the planet, of course what alien would not want to make freinds with us!!!! look at our history!

  3. I Believe so, it is rather fictional, but didn't they also make a programme that has a very similar description of events? Now what was that called.............?........ummmm.......... ah-ha...StarTrek.

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