
Could there be another solar system just like our own?

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Could there ba nother solar system just like our own with a planet like earth and people living like us?




  1.   There likely are millions or billions of them complete with technological aliens like us.

  2. people just like us would be impossibe

    they would look completely different

  3. anythings possible...

    but given the variants that go into making a solar system, i'd say it's extremely unlikely there is one just like ours, AT BEST.

    it'd bound to vary quite a bit...

    if you just mean do i think there are other worlds out there harboring intelligent life? definately... it's as close to a mathematical certainty as you can possibly get.  

  4. Probably not exactly in our universe.... but maybe in an alternate universe.

  5. Its hard to say because we have only studied a handful of extra-stellar solar systems, and we don't know much about them.

    Chances of finding a solar system with the same amount of planets? Out of the approximate 750,000,000,000,000,000 solar systems in the visible universe, there most likely are a few solar systems with the same amount of planets.

    Chances of planets being the same distance from their local star? Not so likely. Position has a lot to do with the size of the planets, and the size of the star which is going to be different in solar systems different from our own.

    Chances of there being four terrestrial planets, an asteroid belt, and four gas giants, and then another asteroid belt: Next to none. I would be very surprised if we found this... it would be like a carbon copy of our solar system.

    As for finding Earth-like planets, sure they probably exist. With humans on it like us? That's stretching it. That's more of a science fiction idea, and not very likely at all seeing as evolution is based on environmental factors and these planets probably do not have the same environmental factors as Earth. I really doubt we will find a carbon copy of our species. But I do agree that it would be very spooky indeed.

  6. yup on reality TV someone got hypnotised to remember an ubduction and she was on a spaceship and the aliens showed her where they live. like on a star map. but if we had investigated it would have taken a few million years XD

  7. Nooooooooooo, then I would feel damned I didn't got to meet the babes of other planets

  8. No.  There are many other star systems, but none has the same geological and biological history as the earth.  Our current earth is the consequence of its entire history over the last 4.5 billion years.  No other planet can have an identical history for that length of time.

  9. yeaaaah!! i def think there is.. thats why i wanna get into astro studies. :D soo exciting

  10. Yes and heaven help us if they are more advanced and they find us  

  11. Could there be?  Yes, I suppose.  But the odds of conditions matching exactly as they have in our solar system are infinitesimally small.

    A system with the same number of planets?  Probably lots of them.  A system with planets at exactly the same distance from the sun ?  Much less likely.  A system with planets of the same type and size as ours?  Even less likely.  A system where life develops on the 3rd planet?  We don't really know, although chemical and biologic studies say that is very very rare.

    Lastly, a system where that life evolved to become even remotely like humans?  As I said, infinitesimally small.

    And I'm not even going to consider the idea that these evolved beings would actually match us exactly.  Thus, there is no quizzard sitting on some distant planet typing on his keyboard.  I suppose that is the universe's loss.....

    And if you are suggesting

  12. apparently there is... and a whole different galaxy as well.


  13. yes.

  14. There is a chance. A planet could have almost the EXACT same orbit distance from an average star- just like we do with our Sun. If it is possible, their existence means that there could be rocky worlds like Earth in the alien planetary system too - and so perhaps we are not alone. In fact, scientists have become a minuscule of an inch away from finding a solar system like ours. Astronomers have discovered an unprecedented fifth planet orbiting a Sun-sized star. Located 41 light years from Earth, the star, dubbed 55 Cancri, is almost the same size and age as our own Sun. It is 45 times more massive than Earth, and about 72.5 million miles from its star. There possibly could be other planets in the system as well, we just don't know yet.

  15. What  type of question is this ,   not another solar but  countless solar system in our  endless  universe  but not exactly like our.

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