
Could there be other life out there?

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Like millions upon billions of miles away, like in StarWars?




  1. I think so..., but not like in Star Wars.

    My son could beat Luke Skywalker in a light sabre dual...

  2. Yes

  3. The chances for humanoid life are probably unlikely.  I stress "probably" since there is always the shark analogy.  Marine animals, be they reptiles, fish, or mammals, tend to evolve the same features for oceanic living.  

        It is possible that there is only one possible general plan for body types suitable for developing intelligence.  Bilaterally symmetric, head with brain and major senses on top, bipedal to be able to see long distances, and with arms, hands and opposable thumbs. A tongue and throat capable of producing complex sounds...all of these and more may be absolutely necessary for intelligence to develop.  Unfortunately we will never know if my outrageous speculation is correct.  And its not even my own idea.  One of my geology professors at the University of Florida floated the idea in the closing class of Historical Geology.

  4. Why not? could be fun if we ever found out. New career about to start?

  5. I believe there is the universe is just far to big to believe we are the only ones who occupies it!! i can never get my head around the fact that space just goes on forever and we are just a tiny spec how can we be the only ones

    I BELIVE............!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. of course!

  7. Maybe

  8. if there wasn't, it would be an awful waste of space wouldn't it?

  9. It appears that the laws of the Universe on Earth are the same as the laws of the Universe at other stars or even other galaxies. There is increasing evidence that the way that the Sun and the Earth formed were not terribly unusual. Life is here.  There is significant evidence that it formed here (instead of being transplanted from somewhere else), or at least nearby, like Mars, and it got going very early in the history of the Earth.  That suggests that if conditions are right, life forms. The elements of life are also the most common elements.  Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen.  Water is needed for life, but it is also very common.  Other more complex organic chemicals appear to be very common.

    There are 400 billion stars in our galaxy.  Perhaps half of them have planets. Even if only half a percent of these stars have planets with life (i'd expect it to be much higher), then there are a billion planets with life in our galaxy.

    Evolution theory suggests that life forms that survive are those that are best suited for their environment.  Many things may ensure survival.  High reproduction rate. Becoming too big to eat. Smelling bad. Or being smart.  Being smart has been good for everything from microbes to trees, and has certainly been good for us.  If the dinosaurs were smart enough to have a space program, they'd still be around.  And yet, it has taken more than three billion years for life to be smart enough to create significant technology.  If only one life bearing planet in a million is old enough for this to have happened and lucky enough to still have life, then there are a thousand planets with intelligent life in our galaxy.

    There are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the visible part of the Universe.  So there should be trillions of planets with intelligent life.

    The visible part of the Universe is a small fraction of the size of the full Universe.

    Unfortunately, at our currently technology level, it's very hard to detect life on planets orbiting other stars.  We've only detected planets for 15 years, and don't yet have the capability to detect planets as small as Earth.  We haven't had the technology to broadcast our presence for long enough for nearby smart extraterrestrials to respond, and we haven't yet found stray signals from nearby smart extraterrestrials. Stay tuned.

    However, in Star Wars, there are laws of physics that aren't found where we are.  For example, the speed of light can be exceeded. So despite the huge amount of life in the Universe, as far as we can tell, nothing exactly like Star Wars exists. Except in theaters.  But you can get the experience any time you want by buying the DVDs.

  10. There are probably more stars than there are atoms in this planet. the chances of life developing on only one is mind boggling

  11. The likelihood of some creature like us having another planet with these conditions is incredibly low. However some sort of other life form sure why not. The drake equation has no evidence to back any of it up since you can't prove any of it because there is only one known planet that can support life, and thus all speculation. Check this link out

  12. Sure there could.  Probably are.

    If you want a nifty way to think about the chances of other life out there see the link below where Carl Sagan explains the Drake Equation.  They use a lot of guesses but by almost any numbers you plug in the answer is almost certainly that their is other life somewhere in the Universe.

    Think about it this way.  There are about 400 billion stars in our own galaxy and over 100 billion galaxies out there.  That is a staggering number!  Surely somewhere out there also evolved life.  If not space is a lonely place.

  13. the universe is beyond the limits of human perception, we have only discovered whats come to us from space, manly in the form of radiation. there are many things out there,not only life, which exist beyond our perception. to think that we are the only sentient beings(I use that term very loosely) would be the height of human arrogance. we know that the visable universe is some 150 billion light years in diameter, containing seemingly infinite stars. if we look at the amount of stars in our galaxy, somewhere between 200 billion, we can see that 1% of those stars could support habitable planets and 50% of those had planets and 50% of those actually had Earth like planets. of the earth like planets, 20% of those have life and only 1% of that number have intelligent life-forms. amoung those sentient civilizations, 50% have developed human-like technology which we can percieve signals from but only 0.5% of those planets emit signals right now. after this calculation,Known as the Drake equation, we can assume that there are over 10,000 planets like ours, with intelligent civilizations capable of emmiting signals and are doing so as we speak.

  14. definately


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