
Could these be pregnancy signs? When could I test?

by  |  earlier

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Last period started July 24 and ended July 27, and was lighter and shorter than normal. I had signs of ovulation between the 29th and the 31st, which is unusual for me (cycles are normally 33 days long). I had cramps, EWCM, and a little bit of bright red spotting like ovulation.

Aug 11 I had some brown discharge but no indication of ovulation. My cervical mucous is really thick instead of clear and stretchy. Light cramps 2 days prior.

Today, Aug 14, I'm having to pee every half hour or so and I haven't been drinking more than usual. Still no sign of ovulation, which should've been around the 12th.

I'm exhausted 'cause I'm not sleeping well. I wake up at 5am every morning to pee, which started a week ago.

Do you think pregnancy is likely? I'd like to test, but I don't know when I can since I may have ovulated super early and my period isn't due for another 2 weeks.

Please help!




  1. if it was me i would do one of those early tests if its neg take in account it could be to early so if it is wait till ur due on and do another its worth a try anyway good luck xxxx

  2. Well you very likely could be pregnant, but you wont know for sure until you test lol, so i would test no more than 4 days before your missed period if it is negative then wait until the day your period is due, and take a test if it doesn't come, and then if it is still negative, go to the doctor and get a blood test, some women can not use pregnancy tests, they only show up on blood tests. good luck

  3. It's totally possible for your cycle to become altered one month due to stress or even by itself. It happens to many women. This can cause a shift in your cycle length and even ovulation dates. You say you noted fertile signs at day 8 of your cycle, this is totally possible but very early. Usually signs like this show up day 14 or even later in the case of a 33 day cycle. Ovulation could have followed a day or two later than this, let's say at day 10. 14 days after ovulation, most women experience their period so you should have expected to see this around day 24 - meaning your cycle looks as though its been approx 24 days this time around.

    Charting temperatures can be really useful at times like this, you can note the spike or 'peak' and this will give you a better idea of the day of ovulation itself. I would personally hold out testing until at the very very earliest, the end of this week. You can run subsequent 'back up' pregnancy tests if needed every day or two after.

    Good luck

  4. i think you may be pregnant but how about waiting to see if AF appears. if not then test.

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