
Could these stop global warming & food recession?

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Would wide-ranging animal farming, deforestation and human/livestock overpopulation stop global warming & food recession?

(Not really a V&V Q, but concerned to know your views)




  1. Deforestation decreases the amount of Oxygen we have from plants and increases the amount of CO2 consumed by plants

    Increasing the animal farming participates in reducing oxygen and increasing CO2 as well , but it is maybe necessary for the prices of meat to stay within the reach of the people finances .

  2. How the heck would that stop global warming?

    Overpopulation is NEVER a solution. Deforestation, as we all know, is harmful to the environment and the creatures that live on this earth.

    I'm really concerned about YOUR views... what gave you this idea? Since when is tearing down trees, having lots of babies, and letting cows eat everything a way to help the earth?

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