
Could they file charges?

by Guest64245  |  earlier

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say your 15 and have another place that you could stay cause your parents are holding you on too tight of a leash, like at a bf or gf's house who is the same age, could your parents report you as a runaway and file charges against you or the people you are staying with. What if you have evidence to back up the reasons why you left?




  1. Yeah they could.

    There's a difference between overprotective and abusive.  What exactly are they doing?

  2. Yes, your parents can report you as a runaway, and the parents that you are staying with could be in trouble.  If you have a problem with your parents, talk to the parent of the friend that you want to stay with and maybe they can get you some help.

  3. You thinking that your parents are overprotective and don't let you have any freedom is not going to stand up in any kind of defense. If they were abusive that's one thing but your teenage drama isn't enough of a reason.

    And yes, you would reported as a runaway and the family that takes you in could get into huge trouble for it.

  4. Yes they could.

    Unless the circumstances are absoultely out of control, then they will prob make you go back home.... If it is out of control... then thats a whole other issue....

  5. yep.

    u can get filed as a runaway

  6. Yes, but if you're being abused and there's evidence that you are the police should be on your side.

  7. yes they can file charges. u will be considered a runaway.. trust me i no. i did it!

    unless he abusing u and u have proof then he can charge the bf/gfs parents..

    but if they r abusing u then call the police

  8. once u are underage, your parents has all the rights..........and if u stay with a bf he will get in more trouble than you.........if u are not going to take advice toi stay then go by a family member

  9. yes, they can file charges.

    not only report you as a runaway

    but get the people you are staying with in trouble

    for housing a minor runaway

  10. best thing just get a job and then emancipate yourself

  11. It is more of they could try to file charges against the parents of the person you are staying with, and your parents would have to prove that they knowingly allowed a runaway to stay with them.  Like if your friends parents had no idea you were a runaway and think you are just spending the night, your parents would have a tough case.  I am not sure what they could charge you with, but they could take you and put you in a boot camp or home for unruly kids, things like that, by taking you before a judge for continually running away..  also if you runaway a lot and they call the cops each time, the state could take over and remove you from the home and put you in a temporary living situation to find out what the problem is..  I suggest unless your parents are being abusive, they are probably doing what is best for you and you shouldn't leave and put your parents thru stuff like that...  Good luck!!

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