
Could this 4 year be behind in speech or is something wrong need answers?

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my boyfriends little brother seems to be behind in two ages hes 4 years old but speaks like a two or one year no words like his own language and sounds im a daycare teacher and it worrys me because if u try to get him to say something u can hear u doesnt use his tongue like frog he would say vog or og or like tree its tee or t any advice in what his dad should buy or do please let me know




  1. the two words you used for example just happen to have the complex letter sound that are more difficult and take longer for most kids to get. "TR" and "FR" is commen to drop the second letter tree becoming tee  and frog becoming fog. so he might be a little behind the curve but still normal if you notice what I call "thick" tongue sound to his speech that could be a sign of a hearing problem either way he should be evaluated by first his pediatrician and than if necessary a specialist

  2. I agree with everything everyone has said. But I wanted to add  these services are free through the school system.

  3. Call your school district and ask for parent's as teachers or their early childhood department. They will evaluate him and set him up with services.

  4. First, I would recommend taking the child in to see his pediatrican, and having he/she check his tongue!! Some children have a problem with the underneath part of their tongue, where there is a growth of skin that doesn't  come loose as it is supposed to as they develop, and this causes them to talk without pronouncing their words right, or to even be tongue-tied!!  The Dr. can simply plan a simple day-surgery type procedure and snip this area, then the childs speech pattern will improve drastically!! (Also, a lot of times, if this is found to be the problem, once the child is made aware of this, they will mess with this area with their tongue and it will come loose on its own before surgery can be scheduled-- this happened to my little nephew)!!!

    If this turns out not to be the problem, then the Dr. will refer you to the next place you need to seek help, like Early Childhood Intervention!!

    Best of Luck to you!

  5. it sounds like he does have a speech delay. It could be something simple like apraxia. Next time you see this little boy ask him to make a few faces at you. since he is 4 years old he should LOVE to do it. Get him to copy you while you l**k your top lip, l**k your bottom lip, stick your tongue out and move it up and down and from side to side. have him make a fish face, mash his lips together, smile really big, frown, and puff his cheeks full of air. If he cannot do some of these things than he needs to be tested by a speech therapist. His parents can call the local school system and ask to have it done. It should be free or very low cost, and if he qualifies he would get to go to preschool for free and get speech therapy there.

    If you contact me by e-mail I can send you some flashcards that my son's speech therapist uses with him. He has about 5 pages of begining sounds such as H, M, N, T, and another few of vowels to practice on. His therapist is about to copy some short sentances for him too. I can also tell you some of the oral-motor excersizes my son used to do to help make his tongue stronger.

  6. the dad needs to get him evaluated immedietly by a Early Intervention.  Sounds like he needs speech therapy, the longer he waits the further back he will stay.  Also, look up Autism and see if he fits any of the criteria. He may need to be evaluated for that as well and early intervention is CRUCIAL!

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