
Could this be THE month?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I know it's still early days....... BUT I am 7dpo and have had abdominal cramping (like AF), i have random hot flushes, and i had some cm (which has now gone).

Haven't had sore b***s, nor felt sick.

I will wait to (hopefully) missed AF, but am growing more impatient by the second!!!




  1. If you're only 7dpo, you haven't even had implantation yet.

    No implantation = no HCG

    No HCG = no pregnancy symptoms

  2. The cramping could have been implantation...I felt imp. cramps with my son at 8 DPO and got my BFP at 10 DPO!!!

    Good luck!!! Baby Dust!! Keep us posted.

  3. Fingers Crossed and lots of baby dust. If you would like some etra support and to make some new friends head to

    Luv Sair

  4. i hope it is the special month for you!!! So im gonna go ahead and say congratulations mommy!!

  5. implantation can actually occur from 4-10 days after ovulation depending on the lady.  what you are experiencing COULD be implantation cramping, but it could also be your period.  wait a week and test.  if you are 7 dpo now, in another week it should be time for af so a pregnancy test should be pretty accurate.  remember, you get your period 14 days AFTER you ovulate, but you dont necessarily ovulate 14 days after the start of your period unless it is a very regular 28 day cycle and even then it could fluctuate... but you always get your period 14 days after you ovulate.

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