
Could this be a True positive or an evaportaion line????

by Guest33167  |  earlier

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I have taken several test b/c I suspected and I am trying to get pregnant. I have been very dizzy, pronounced blue veins on my thighs, groin area and one or two on my b***s. I am not totally sure when I ovulated but I do know I had s*x during what was predicted to be my fertile window and also prior. I have taken like 6 -8 test over the past week or so and all were negative with no evaporation lines to ever show up! This morning I took a test early, at first glance it looked negative, so I just walked out and left it alone. This afternoon when I went back in the bathroom I happened to pick it up and there is a positive result. It is not as dark as the first line but it is a faint light pink line but is very visible. Do you think this is accurate? or and evaporation line, as I remind you I have taken a lot of tests in the past few years and never had a line like to to ever show up. Gross but i always keep them for a week or so! Please tell me what you think! The line is just as thick as the first line just not as dark, it is a slight light pink. I have heard this happening to people and they were pregnant!




  1. really depends how long you have left it before you looked at it again, does sound like you are pregnant though, but only sure way to tell is do another in a few days time 1st thing in the morning as well, good luck  

  2. The tests are not supposed to be read after 10 min. I'd say it's an evap line.

  3. I think you should take another one just to make sure. This actually happened to my sister in law. She waited like 30 seconds then threw it away and the next day she looked at it again and it said positive. She went and bought another one and it said positive and now she is 7 1/2 months pregnant with a girl. Lots of baby dust your way... let me know what happens!

  4. I took the $ store test 2 of them, same thing peed didnt see anything left it there...came back at lunch and BOth had faint lines one was a little dark. what are the chance right? Well i took a First response at lunch and it was neg. People say a line ia line and i agree but sometimes you should get a different test and re-test to see the results.  

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