
Could this be a miscarriage?

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I know nobody knows for sure b/c you are not docs but I cant call the doc until morning. Do these symptoms sound like a miscarriage? I would guess I am 7 weeks now. I have had random sharp leg cramps at the top of my thighs and then today I noticed tiny tiny flesh colored pieces coming out when I go to the bathroom. I have no hard cramps except for those that are normal for pregnancy and had no bleeding.

Could it be? Oh and I have been tired all day everyday until today!!




  1. flesh covered pieces coming out when you pee

    Doesn't your DR have a 24 hour line to call?  

  2. It does not sound like a miscarriage to me.  With mine i starting lite bleeding at first then cramped then had to have a dnc and then lost bigger pieces after that.  I would really call your doctor and let them check you out  and if it get worse go to the ER. Hope everything turns out well for you.

  3. I have had 3 miscarriages, two where I bled, and another where they noticed in the ultrasound.

    With both natural miscarriages, I bled A LOT, with large nickel to quarter size clots.

    I don't believe what you are experiencing is a miscarriage, but I agree that you need to speak to your doctor first thing in the morning.  If possible, try to save the pieces (if you see anymore).  Put the toilet tissues containing the pieces in a ziploc bag and place in the fridge in case the doctor would want to see them (I know, kind of gross, but it is what I had to do before)

    Good luck....and I hope everything is ok.

  4. not sure about that one. when i had my miscarriage i spotted off and on for a few days with period like cramps and then i bled something horrible and had cramps like labor pains. the pain in the legs is interesting. the tiny flesh looking pieces could be maybe implantation? i mean the fetus does implant itself into your body and that could cause that. not really sure but it doesnt sound like any kind of miscarriage i have ever heard of. good luck!

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