For about 8 months I had been extremely fatigued, no energy, lethargic, lost interest in things I liked eg Cinema, drained, headaches, sleeping long hours, waken up tired, napping in the afternoon, extremely pale, dark rings around my eyes, sore weak legs, twitching eye, pins and needles etc.
I went to the doc, he did the blood work and it came back that I had a low iron count but that I was not Aneamic, I have been on 3 ferrous sulphate a day for 6 weeks and feel I have improved ever so slightly but not by much. I get a wash of tiredness in the afternoon that really floors me but I fight it and it usually passes within about an hour and a half and then I feel ok. Now the doc is saying it is CFS, but I feel I should give the Ferrous sulphate longer to work (is 6 weeks enough?). I have been off work for 2 months but I am going back very very part time to begin with. Do you think this is CFS or could it just still be iron deficincy?
I am 24 and a vegetarian if this makes any difference. Thanks