
Could this be a real USO/UFO, over lake eerie?

by Guest66881  |  earlier

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What do you guys/gals think?




  1. Real as in Unidentified, yes. Real as in alien space craft, no. They do not exist.  

  2. it doesn't look like an airplane, you be the judge!

  3. its a USO

  4. Nah.

  5. Looks like a plane

  6. To the guy who said Ufos aren't real ur very wrong ..of course there real and in that vid doesnt look like a ufo or a uso i know cause i have been studying ufology and astronomy for 5  years now ..u wanna see something eerie type in the Phoenix lights..thats weird ****

  7. They look like aircraft landing lights to me.

    We don't know where this is exactly, so we don't know if they are near an airport.

  8. Very clever use of Christmas tree lights

  9. ive always believed in life outside our world.

  10. an unidentified flying object yes. No aliens or whatever in it though. lol

  11. 1) Not a USO, as it was not submerged in spite of its proximity to water.

    2) The lights look like helicopter lights, and not either jet (or as someone who didn't watch the whole thing, obviously) police car lights.

    3) It looked to me like a drug exchange via helicopter... tricky, but if you're desperate enough to get the drugs through, totally possible.

    Can't say "debunked" but it didn't look extraterrestrial. Enough question to say yes: it's a UFO (on the grounds that it's unidentified).

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