
Could this be a real ghost...?

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  1. I believe in the paranormal. If that had been me, I would have looked in the closet, besides in the second part of the video, the person sitting there didn't even react. I personaly don't think so.

  2. Nope all fake

  3. Only if there is no one in the closet and there is no circulation. If it does it often like the video said, then there would be no problem for people to visit the house and see it. Also, they could use a snake cam to record instead of using two regular cams. If they did this, then when the door opens they could pop it inside to show nothing is rigged.

  4. I didn't see a ghost.  Did you?  All I saw was part of a door that moved.  Could it be a ghost?  I suppose so, but there is no reason to believe it is.  There are literally thousands of more probable explanations for why that door moved.

  5. oh man you scared me

    can't say  but people say it was not faked

    but one truth is that we cannot see ghosts

    cannot say anything

  6. haha No, sorry. I saw a wire running from the camera area to the door.

  7. Well who knows, but there is nothing on that video that makes me think "My gosh that has to be a spirit" I do believe in ghosts but feel that could easily be faked.

    Wanted to see something walk past the camera really...erm actually Perhaps not dont fancy falling of me chair! xx

  8. No, its absolutely not possibly to fake something like that....NOT!

    I've seen a number of people post videos, and when it says PRISM in the beginning, I know its going to be a fake. PRISM has tons of fake videos on you tube. I am not sure if PRISM really makes fake videos, or if people just use the name at the beginning to make it seem authorative.

  9. I think it could be a ghost, but i am not 100 percent convinced.

  10. It is really imposable to say whether this is paranormal or not without actually being there and being able to examine the door and the house .It is a interesting video clip however

  11. Looks like it

  12. This house has been investigated by several reputable paranornal research teams.  The house has been verified as an authentic haunted house; that is, the activity in the house cannot be debunked or explained.  Whether or not this door opened and closed on its own has not been proven, but knowing the reputation of the house, it is very possible that it did.

  13. Is it on Youtube? Then it's not believable. Sorry to be skeptical like that, but Youtube is a haven for video fakes and goofs. The most we have is their word that they didn't fake it. That doesn't fly for me. Could it have been a ghost?  Forgetting for the moment that there's no mechanism we know of that a non-physical spirit entity can apply a force to a physical object, then sure, maybe it was a ghost. I'm just saying it's a billion times more likely that it's a fake.

  14. need more proof i agree with it

    it was just a c**p i think

    it is made up

    it doesnt tell anything

    maybe someone is standing at the door and moving the clauset

    its all c**p there are no ghosts

  15. I have seen this footage before. Although that house looks haunted, no doubt, this is faked footage of door closing. No doubt the man in the closet that opens and closes the door is a little spooked when in the closet, but he is the one to fake t he opening and closing of the door. This is really silly. When a ghost wants your attention, they will slam the door shut or open. lol.

    P.S. the person who thought there was a wire running that was highly visible, that was a hair in front of the lens.

    Whenever I hear music and see credits it is more than likely a fake.

  16. Why does this video keep coming up? I suspect as video for how NOT to conduct an investigation. Twice they capture activity of a closet door and neither time do they bother to carry the camera over and open the door to show that there is no one hiding inside or any other possible normal explanation. Sure it's possible that a ghost did this (I dismiss no possibility without investigation) but it's not possible that this video provides evidence of a ghost or anything else paranormal because of the incompetence of the investigators.

  17. could be a poltergeist or a hoax.

    I need a more information to make an more accurate answer


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