
Could this be an alien corpse?

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  1. fake. i saw something like that on TV one time. it was an alien autopsy and it looked real. forgot where u can see it.

  2. It's possible that is what an alien corpse would look like.

    However, that particular footage was taken of the alien model on display at the International UFO Museum and Research Center (link below) located in Roswell, New Mexico.

    The second link below is the whole picture from the online tour.

    It is fully explained as a movie prop they make no claim of it being an actual alien body.


  3. no hun i think its fake

  4. Don't know it could be a set up for a scary picture.  Not sure about this one.

  5. no it is britney spears after a big night out

  6. Kind of looks like it's made of wax.

  7. It could be what an alien corpse would look like. That however, I would say, is a nice piece of hollywood style modeling work.

  8. This picture looks to artificial for my liking.I don`t get no real vibe with it. I personally cannot except this as a real Alien corpse.

  9. That music does not allow me to take it seriously, even if I wanted to.

  10. Its a dummy from the Roswell Museum!

  11. It looks almost too close to being human. I would think that an alien would either look MORE like us...or be totally different looking. I always wonder why they always look so "weak" and small.  If they had the knowledge to get here...seems like they'd be stronger looking. ..unless their astronauts had to be small to travel in their spaceships. Of course the astronauts might not be typical of the rest of their race. Have they ever shown them with any clothes on? I just wonder if they wore any clothes..and  what style. could be a "copy" of what the real one looked like...but who would let that "out of the bag"..since the govt. keeps these things so secret.

  12. I remember a phraseology in musical composition which says, "...the answer my friend is blowing in the wind..."

  13. No it could not be.

  14. It sure does look real,but you can't really take YouTube videos seriously.

    If that was a real picture that was leaked from the top secret government,I'm sure it would have been all over the news.

  15. It looks more like a badly emaciated body of an ordinary person. Look at pictures of concentration camp victims, and you will see a remarkable similarity.

  16. It is my unscientific minds thought, that this is a Hollywood fake.

    Honestly, how can you truly be sure ? My believe is, if they are smart enough to get to Earth, well let us just say, they would see what a muck, we have made. And haul alien butt outta here.LOL

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