
Could this be an animal cruelty case?

by  |  earlier

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Our neighbors behind us have six Haflinger ponies.They are always kept in a paddock that's about 20 feet x 15 ft, that's including the massive pile of manure that takes up most of the place.I haven't seen them out to graze since May, and I've been watching them.Whenever I go back I see a water trough ( stagnant water, but I can't get close to see the quality), and from what I can tell they only get hay.They're never excersized and at one point I could see their ribs and hipbones pretty clearly.Could I call the SPCA?




  1. yahhh!! thats so sad :(

  2. YES call NOW

  3. yes!

    at least so they can check up on them

  4. OMG  call 911 !!!  did u call yet ?  are u crazy ?  have u called yet?

  5. yeah immediately!

    poor animals they dont deserve it.

  6. Ya go ahead that's sad!

  7. DO IT NOW!

  8. you should DEFINATELY report them to the SPCA and PETA and the FBI or something!!! animals are the best thing in the world. i love fury animals. i love sausage too. big sausage. mmmm. btw report them to the NAACP too

  9. You can call not only the SPCA but also whoever in your local government is responsible for regulating animals and sanitation, there are some real health concerns here.

  10. I'm honestly not sure, but I would.  That is TERRIBLE!  Those ponies deserve better.

    You know what?  Just call them.  They aren't being treated correctly.  

    The poor ponies....

  11. Yes you should call. it's better to be safe then sorry. They will come out and have a look. They will keep you anonymous. Call now!!

  12. Yes call!  Better to have them checked out and everything be OK than to let those poor ponies suffer!  I don't understand people that don't realize that animals have feelings just like we do!

  13. If you can see their ribs, it's a case of neglect for sure.  I strongly suggest you contact your local SPCA.  It can't hurt to at least have the owners checked up on... even if they get to keep the horses, they might be more inclined to take good care of them, if they know they're being watched.

  14. yes don't wait but let them take a  good look.

  15. Yes, you can call the SPCA. Your next-door neighbors may get a number of charges against this - very llegall. Just seeing there ribs is illegall on it's own, and seriouss charges will be taken if it's true the ponies only get hay. It's so necessary to call.

  16. u can definitely call the ASPCA. that is an obvious case of serious neglect.

  17. Better safe than sorry. Maybe you should call them to check it out.

  18. I would; no animal deserves to be treated that way.

  19. You sure can

    but before you do that, i'd suggest knocking some sense into your neighbors first and talk to them

  20. h**l yes, call them.

    Worse case, you are wrong.

    You don't want to have these animals suffering because you are scared.

  21. Yes, the ASPCA, the Sheriff's office and the Humane Society.

    Pick your state on this page:

    for contact info.

  22. yes that does sound like animal cruelty call the SPCA

  23. I would.  Just to ask them to check it out.  I don't know the rules of SPCA, however, I would call and tell them there are neglected ponies.

  24. Absolutely, make no mistake there are different ways to abuse an animal, even if its not physical. Many things fall under animal cruelty, this sound like it may be a case. Water should be change and trough cleaned daily. As far as them in a paddock all the time, that can cause some major health issues for the horses with all the manure everywhere.  They could get many different types of bacteria between the walls of their feet like thrush, because of standing in moist wet conditions over a period of time. If there is a cause for concern follow your instincts and call, what could it hurt?

  25. yeah but id reccommend maybe compiling rough dates and your observations to support your doubts.

  26. Yes you should report them.

  27. ABSOLUTLY. Do the best you can, but no presser.

  28. h**l yes please do I would or we would have a battle and I would win the war you must do something.

  29. did you say you can see there hip and rib bones, if so yes you should call for sure thats terrible if thats the case.

  30. im not a profeshionel but it dose sound roung so yes i would

  31. They're being neglected, so yes.

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