
Could this be an appendicitis?

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Last night I woke up with an enormous pain in my stomach. The worst pain I've ever had. It was on the bottom right of my abdomen and it moved from below my belly button to the bottom of the stomach. That lasted around 3 hours then I fell asleep and it was gone when I woke up. For the first few hours I felt fine and put it down to trapped gas or just a random pain. But after that I was sick a few times and I've had a slow deep constant pain in my lower abdomen. I've also got a headache from h**l and I've had some diarrhea.

My mum thinks I may have a mild appendicitis, but I wanted to get some more answers before I trouble a doctor with this. So, what do you think it could be? Possibly an appendicitis?




  1. Chloe, no one can really know unless you go to a physician, and even then they may have to watch you.  

    But go to your belly button.  Now go to your right until you feel the top of your hip bone.  This is the iliac crest.  Now pick a spot half-way between the iliac crest and your belly button and press down and hold it for a moment, then release it quickly.  If it hurts, its called rebound tenderness and could be a sign of appendicitis.  

    But again I want to stress only a physician can tell for sure.  Go see your doctor.

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