
Could this be an ovulation sign??

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hello according to a ovulation calculator i am onvulating tomorrow. today i has some very thick cervical mucous almost like lotion lol sorry if to much info. but last month i thought i was pregnant and turns out i wasnt :( but my cycle changed from 20 days to 32 days so..yeah im confused. Just curious about the CM thing. So thanks and god bless!




  1. If it's a thick white, then you're not ovulating, but coming close. It should be like snot (or in a way like ejaculate) while you're actually ovulating.

    Ovulation isn't "in the center". It is 14 days before the first day of your next period. After 14 days, an unfertilized egg will be expelled with your menstral flow. So, if you have a 28 day cycle (most common), yes, it will be in the "center", but, if you have a 32 day cycle, it will be 18 days from the first day of the last period and 14 days before the first day of next one. A 20 day cycle would make it 6 days after the first day of your last period and again, 14 days before the first day of your next period.

  2. Hi there

    CM becomes thinner and more watery as ovulation approaches. At ovulation, it resembles raw egg whites in consistency.

    Ovulation usually occurs midcycle. If your cycle is 28 days and you are regular, then you would ovulate on or around day 14.

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