
Could this be another hoax?

by Guest56522  |  earlier

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I found this on Youtube and don't know what to make of it yet.

any one has some info?




  1. The video is authentic, but I didn't hear anything that even hints at "alien voices." Just for fun I went to that guys website where he presents a couple of tons worth of interesting *speculation*, but nothing more.

  2. nope it's real....

    what i wanna know is why it has those same 'erie' sounds that have been asscoiated with ufo's/flying saucers, even before the sounds were even ever heard.

  3. No, not a hoax. Those recordings were posted on the official Cassini web site.

  4. Its not a hoax.

    All objects in space emit some kind of "sound" or radiation in the radio wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum.

    The problem I have with this particular video is the title "Alien Voices".  Too many people think that the word "alien" means "intelligent extraterrestrial beings".   And the word "voices" is misleading as well, as it implies a person or persons talking.

    The word "alien" simply means "not of the Earth".

    Since Saturn is not of the Earth, the entire planet is alien - its atmosphere, its moons, its magnetic field, all the radiation it emits (regardless of wavelength).

    And the word "voices" is perhaps poetic, it is not scientific and can be extremely misleading (especially for people that have no scientific education).

    So if you understand that the title means "Sounds from a place not of this Earth" it is much easier to accept - since that is really what it actually is.

  5. Since the title of that video says.."Sound of the rings"....meaning Saturn....then is not a hoax.

    Those are actual sounds that eminate from the Saturnian system around the rings by way of radio emissions.

    A whole lot of objects in space radiate sounds that can be picked up by way of radio

    Black Holes...pulsars...and even the big bang.

    There's plenty of other objects that radiate sounds also.....too many to name....but...nothing of extra terrestrial intelligence...has ever been detected as of yet.

    Maybe one day....we might hear ET somewhere out there...that's why we keep on listening.

  6. No, it is not a hoax.  These "sounds" are not actually sounds but are radio noise from the regions close to Saturn.  The radio noise is partially due to interaction of solar wind, the magnetic field of Saturn and doubtless the rings and moons.  

    If you could listen in space you would not hear them, and you probably would not hear them on an ordinary radio either.  

    What has been done is that the frequency has been lowered enough for humans to hear them without removing the modulation and the electrical fluctuations fed to a loudspeaker.  I don't recall the exact explanation but it is something like that.

    The same sounds are played at the Tidbinbilla Deep Space tracking station near Canberra, Australia in the visitor's centre.

  7. Believe it: all physical objects in space emit radiation over a wide spectrum.  But messages from an alien intelligence?  Nope - only here on Earth.

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