
Could this be compulsive thoughts or Schizophrenia ?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I don't want to .sound weird but I had this problem as a kid. I had it a little in my early teens years, now Im seveteen and I'm on Zoloft for anxiety. My thoughts have gotten worse since then. I think certain things I go near or touch are bad for me. If I touch them they might be evil or make something bad happen if i come in contact with them. I feel like something is telling me this, imnot sure if its my conscience. I think bad things will happen to me if i dont pick up something or move something to the left, or do something at that exact moment or something along those lines. One other example is, i was watching tv and there was this man on tv. my thoughts were telling me if i think this man is going to die he will. and i didnt want to think that. whats going on?




  1. It sounds like OCD to me, because I have that and experience a lot of the same thoughts as you. It seems so ridiculous to everyone else but to us these decisions seem life-threatening. I feel your pain. :(

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