
Could this be depression?

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I always feel like I want to cry

and I get this blah feelings like as if theres just nothing in me

I dont really know how to describe it

Im always feeling lonely and sad

and I want to sleep a lot more




  1. Oh yeah.  That's depression, all right.  Welcome to the club that nobody wants to join!

    Most people think that depression is sadness.  It's more than that -- it's numbness and emptiness.  It's feeling like you're in a gray fog all the time.  It's feeling all alone even in the midst of friends and family who love you.  It's feeling as though nothing will ever change in your life, ever, unless it's just to get worse. It's feeling that you just want to drop over dead, because going to the trouble of killing yourself would take too much effort.  Been there, done that, my friend!

    Abnormal sleep patterns are a common symptom of depression.  Sometimes all I wanted to do was sleep.  Sometimes I had terrible insomnia where either I couldn't fall asleep at all, or I woke up 5 - 6 times in the night.

    Lots of things can cause depression.  Sometimes it's partly genetic.  Depression runs in my family.  Sometimes it goes back to something awful that happened to you when you were a child and too young to put your feelings into words.  Sometimes the cause is obvious -- your relationship broke up, you have a serious illness, you lost your job, someone you love just died, etc.

    Here's what helped me:

    1.  Finding the right therapist.  I went through three or four before I found one I really felt comfortable with and who could help me.  If you're a student, you may be able to get free or low-cost counseling through your school.  Your regular doctor may be able to refer you to a therapist.  If I hadn't been able to find a therapist, I would have gone to a support group.  The important thing is to get help and not suffer alone.

    2.  Finding the right antidepressant.  I went through three or four of those, too.  For antidepressants, you need a psychiatrist, not just a therapist.  Or you can go on Craigslist and look for a clinical trial -- they have them all the time, and not only is the medication free, they usually pay you.

    I tried Prozac, which helped me some, and the benefits stayed with me even after I went off it.  Then I was in a clinical trial for one called nefazadone (it's now on the market as Serzone).  That's what broke the back of the depression for me.  The side effect was major dizziness and clumsiness.  The dizziness went away after a while. However, I'm still a klutz.  I never regained 100% of my balance.  But I have absolutely no regrets!  That stuff pulled me out of the downward spiral.

    Now I take a related drug, trazadone (Desyrel).  I'm doing really well on it, along with the lifestyle changes (see below).

    3.  Making lifestyle changes.  This one was the hardest, but it pays off.

    a. First of all, if you drink, quit drinking.  Alcohol is a depressant.

    b. Next, even though your sleep schedule is screwed up, pick a bedtime for yourself and go to bed at the same time every night.  Likewise, pick a wake-up time and get out of bed at the same time every day, even if you have to go back to bed 5 minutes later.

    c.  Next, go to your nearest vitamin store or drugstore and buy a low-dose magnesium supplement, 100 mg or 250 mg but not more.  Start taking 200 or 250 mg of magnesium every night when you go to bed.  Work your way up to 500 mg over a period of two to three weeks.  (Don't start right away with 500 mg -- you'll get diarrhea.)  If after six weeks you don't notice any improvement, work your way up to 750 - 800 mg.  You can take magnesium along with a prescription antidepressant.

    d. Get out in the sunlight at least 15 minutes a day.  You can wear a hat and sunscreen, but don't wear sunglasses.  If you wear glasses or contacts, take them off.  You want to be able to see sunlight.  Don't look directly at the sun, though!  And don't try to read a book or use a laptop.  You'll just get a headache.  If you need something to do, take a walk.

    e.  This is the hardest one, and you may not be able to do it yet.  (I don't always manage to do it!)  Find a form of exercise and do it every day.  Even if it's just taking a walk.  If this is too much for you right now, do the other things first and save this one for when you're feeling better.

    4.  Finally, tell your friends and family that you have depression.  Be prepared for some of your dear ones to deal with it better than others.  But don't stay "in the closet".  One of the worst aspects of depression is the feeling of isolation and shame that comes with it.

    You can do it.  You don't have to stay in the grip of depression forever.  Many people have beaten it.  I did.  I can't say that I never feel depressed, but depression doesn't run my life any more.  I am now married, and my husband has stood by me through it all.  We turn to each other now and say, "We won!"

    Best of luck to you.  Don't give up!  Stay persistent, and you will win.

  2. hi,just stop thinking that you are depressed,

           try to develop positive thinking and feel that you are strong enough to face this life,you can do anything what you need or what you want to do,never feel alone just take some time to talk to your family members or friends[if you wish i could be your friend],what is there to feel sad about..........?believe that nothing has gone wrong,and you are unique in this world and no one could replace you,cheer up dude.....................  

  3. maybe ur just sleep deprived.

    yo. life is so fragile.

    im going to die.

  4. Hi there

    to me its sounds like Depression the best to do is too make a appoitment with the local GP and see him/her and they can make assessment and tell them how you feel and everything you said here on yahoo.. and i'm sure the Gp and can make their assessment from what you tell them!   best of luck!

    Candice xx

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